Why Should You Choose Python? Pros and Cons.

November 25, 2022

Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, and it can be used to build web applications, standalone desktop apps, games, and much more. In this article, we’ll look at how Python can be used for web development and consider some of the advantages and disadvantages you might encounter with this approach.

What is Python?

Python is a programming language that has been around since 1989. It was created by Guido van Rossum, who also developed other popular languages such as Perl, Ruby, and Unicon. Python is considered an easy-to-learn language used primarily in web development but can also be used for different types of projects like scientific computing, game design, machine learning, etc. 

Python does not require writing out specific instructions for loops or conditions, meaning code written in Python is easier to read and comprehend than in Java or C++. Developers new to Python have found it more intuitive than any other language they’ve learned because of its similarity with English phrases/sentences. With its focus on readability, while maintaining efficiency, this language offers everything that programmers could want from a coding system.

The Pros of Using Python for Web Development

1 . Programmers can quickly learn it, and with its simple, easy-to-use syntax, they can produce quality code quickly. 

  1. It’s a cross-platform language which means that once you’ve written your code in Python, you’ll be able to run it on Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X without changing anything! 
  2. Also, Python is an open-source programming language, so there is no licensing cost. 
  3. Furthermore, Python can easily connect to databases like Oracle, MySQL, and Microsoft SQL Server using ORM libraries like SQLAlchemy or SQLObject. 
  4. Plus, most companies utilize two different languages when developing their software (one to write their code in and one to manage the operations). So if something goes wrong with one of those languages, everything doesn’t come crashing down around them.
  5. Python has a vast set of libraries available. From graphing packages such as Matplotlib and PyQtGraph, web frameworks such as Django and Pylons, data mining tools such as NumPy and SciPy; you name it–they’re probably here! 
  6. Many big websites use Python because it can handle more traffic than other scripting languages. 
  7. You can build GUIs, work with images and even do some game development with Python.
  8. A final pro worth mentioning is that Python comes preinstalled on both Apple OSX and Windows operating systems – so it won’t take extra time to download or install the compiler or interpreter before you start!

The Cons of Using Python for Web Development

1 . It’s interpreted, which means you have to spend time compiling your code to run it rather than running it in real-time as a compiled language would.

  1. The syntax is more difficult than in other languages, so beginners may have a more challenging time learning it. 
  2. Python is more difficult to find documentation than some other languages (like Java). 
  3. Fewer libraries can be used with Python than with other languages, such as JavaScript or Ruby. 
  4. fewer IDEs can help with editing and debugging code with Python. 
  5. some have criticized Python as unsuitable for web development because its speed cannot compete with other popular languages like C++.
  6. One notable disadvantage of using Python is that once a script gets too large, it becomes difficult to maintain and manage.
  7. Finally, if you’re going to use Python for web development, you’ll need something like Django installed first since most people who use Python for web development rely on Django’s template engine for their HTML pages’ formatting codes.

Top Applications of Python in the Real World

1 . Scientific Research & Data Analysis

Python is an excellent tool in data analysis, machine learning, and signal processing tasks. The language has a robust library of scientific packages that can handle linear algebra, Fourier transforms, optimization, integration, and more! 

2 . AI (Machine Learning)

Python offers frameworks like TensorFlow, SciPy, and scikit-learn, designed to work with big datasets. Some people use other languages, such as Java, for Machine Learning applications, but Python may be easier to code due to its readability. 

3. Game Development

 Another area where Python dominates is game development. Companies like Disney Interactive, Ubisoft, and Blizzard Entertainment use it. When it comes to rapid prototyping and building out gameplay mechanics quickly, there’s no better option than Python. 

4. Desktop GUI Programming

One significant advantage of Python over other programming languages is the availability of cross-platform GUI libraries like wxPython, Kivy, and PyQt. These libraries provide developers with high-level abstraction layers, making building complex user interfaces across different platforms easy.

5. Video Editing 

You may have seen YouTube videos about how the MIT Media Lab uses Python to teach kids how to create video games and animations without any necessary coding experience. The interface takes care of all the messy details behind encoding videos into web formats and provides an intuitive way for non-coders to produce sophisticated media content.

6. Web Development

Python can make an excellent choice for server-side programming with frameworks like Django or Flask. There are also many popular options when choosing a backend framework or API engine if you’re looking to develop your product or service on top of an existing platform. 

7. Data Science

As mentioned before, Python is perfect for handling large amounts of data, especially within data science or machine learning. A common task for data scientists is collecting, storing, and analyzing vast amounts of information from disparate sources. With Python at hand, this becomes much easier since it supports list operations to manipulate arrays of numbers quickly.


Python is a dynamic, object-oriented programming language that’s powerful, easy to learn, and highly versatile. It has many uses in web development, but it’s not always the best choice depending on your needs. 

This programming language will be a great fit if you want something more efficient. Remember the pros and cons of using Python and any other programming language. So, make sure to weigh your options before settling on one.