Building Scalable Android Apps: Best Practices and Architectural Patterns

May 20, 2024
Building Scalable Android Apps

In the ever-evolving realm of mobile technology, creating a resilient and adaptable Android application demands a carefully crafted architecture. While earlier approaches to Android development aimed at speedy deployment, they often fell short when confronted with the complexities of growing applications. Modern methodologies, however, address these challenges head-on by advocating for a clear separation of concerns and modular design. This shift results in cleaner, more manageable, and scalable applications, which not only facilitate easier testing but also pave the way for seamless future adaptations. This article delves into the key principles and strategies essential for constructing contemporary Android app architectures.


In today’s dynamic mobile landscape, the construction of a robust and scalable Android application necessitates a well-defined architectural framework. This framework essentially serves as the blueprint for your application, ensuring its maintainability, performance, and the delivery of a seamless user experience. Traditionally, Android app development prioritized simplicity but often encountered obstacles as applications became increasingly intricate. In contrast, modern architectural approaches place emphasis on the separation of concerns and modular design to enhance maintainability and scalability.

While the traditional method may offer a smoother learning curve for novices and expedite development for smaller applications, it presents several practical drawbacks:

Tight Coupling: Components such as Activities or Fragments become closely intertwined with both data and logic. This tight coupling hampers their reusability, testing, and maintenance, particularly as the application expands.

State Management Challenges: Manual management of data and state within the lifecycles of Activities or Fragments often results in errors, memory leaks, and convoluted code structures.

Limitations in Scalability: The architecture encounters difficulties in scaling as the application grows in both features and complexity, imposing constraints on its expansibility.

To effectively tackle the challenges posed by traditional approaches, Modern App Architecture advocates for the adoption of the following key principles and practices:

Reactive and Layered Architecture: The application is structured into distinct layers (UI, Domain, Data), each with clearly defined responsibilities. Every layer reacts to changes originating from the layer directly beneath it, resulting in a more responsive and predictable application.

Unidirectional Data Flow (UDF): Data traverses through the application in a singular direction, typically flowing from the Data layer to the UI layer. This simplifies the understanding of data updates and mitigates the risk of inconsistencies.

UI with State Holders: State holders, such as ViewModels, manage the data and state of UI components. This segregation separates UI logic from the lifecycle of Activities/Fragments, thereby enhancing testability.

Coroutines and Flows: These tools are instrumental in managing asynchronous operations and data streams efficiently. They not only boost performance but also lead to cleaner code compared to traditional callback-based approaches.

Dependency Injection: By injecting dependencies at runtime, this technique fosters loose coupling between components. Consequently, it facilitates easier testing and promotes code reusability.

Dependency Injection

Indeed, modern architecture stands as an industry benchmark for a reason: it provides a sturdy framework for developing robust, maintainable, and scalable Android applications. As your proficiency in app development expands, you’ll discover that the advantages of adopting a modern approach far outweigh the initial learning curve.

Reactive and Layered Architecture

Essentially, the Android application is structured into three primary layers:

UI Layer: This layer oversees user interaction (such as clicks and gestures) and visually presents information. The UI layer must refrain from housing complex business logic. It comprises two pivotal components: UI elements responsible for data rendering and state holders tasked with exposing handled logic.

Domain Layer: This layer encapsulates the fundamental business logic of the application, independent of any specific UI or data source. Additionally, it can encapsulate simple business logic that is reused by multiple ViewModels.

Data Layer: Responsible for managing data access from diverse sources (such as local storage and network). It retrieves and persists data by requests from the Domain layer.

Furthermore, it’s advisable to create repositories even if your data layer encompasses only a single data source. In essence, components within the UI layer, such as composables, activities, or ViewModels, should refrain from direct interaction with data sources such as Databases, DataStore, Firebase APIs, and providers for GPS location, Bluetooth data, and Network. The primary objective of repositories is to serve as a central hub for data access and management while segregating data concerns from the UI and logic layers. Their key responsibilities include:

// Data class for user information

data class User(val name: String, val email: String)

// Interface for a user repository (abstraction)

interface UserRepository {

  suspend fun getUser(userId: Int): User


// ViewModel class

class UserViewModel(private val user repository: UserRepository) : ViewModel() {


  private val _userState = mutableStateOf<User?>(null)

  val userState: State<User?> = _userState.asStateFlow()

  fun loadUser(userId: Int) {

    viewModelScope.launch {

      try {

        val user = userRepository.getUser(userId)

        _userState.value = user

      } catch (e: Exception) {

        // Handle error






// Composable UI function


fun UserDetailScreen(viewModel: UserViewModel) {

  val user = viewModel.userState.value

  if (user != null) {

    Text(text = “Name: ${}”)

    Text(text = “Email: ${}”)

  } else {

    Text(“Loading user data…”)




Moreover, you have the option to create UI elements within the UI layer using Views (the traditional approach) or Jetpack Compose functions (aligned with Modern App Architecture). Composable functions serve as the foundational units of Compose UIs. They are designated with the @Composable annotation and delineate the appearance and behavior of UI elements based on their data.

Jetpack Compose stands as a contemporary toolkit for constructing native Android UIs. It streamlines and expedites UI development on Android, offering reduced code overhead, robust tools, and user-friendly Kotlin APIs.

Unidirectional Data Flow (UDF)

Within Android development, the Single Source Of Truth (SSOT) principle underscores the importance of having a singular authoritative source for each data entity in your application. This principle promotes consistency and mitigates data conflicts, and it can be effectively implemented alongside the Unidirectional Data Flow (UDF) pattern. In UDF, data moves in a singular direction, typically from the Data layer to the UI layer. User interactions initiate events that flow in the opposite direction. Ultimately, this approach facilitates seamless data modifications.

Unidirectional Data Flow

Here are some key points to keep in mind in this domain:

Data flows from the Model layer (repository) to the ViewModel and subsequently to the UI.

User interactions trigger events sent to the ViewModel, which then handles them without directly modifying data.

The ViewModel updates its state based on events and data updates.

The UI observes the ViewModel’s LiveData and adjusts itself based on the latest state.

Additionally, it’s important to collect UI state from the UI utilizing appropriate lifecycle-aware coroutine builders, such as repeatOnLifecycle in the View system and collectAsStateWithLifecycle in Jetpack Compose.

UI with State Holders

State encompasses any value that may change over time within an application. This includes various data types, ranging from user input to game scores, as long as they potentially influence the UI. Crucially, the state specifically pertains to data that directly impacts the user experience, specifying what the user sees or interacts with on the screen. In modern Android development, UI with State Holders refers to an architectural pattern that advocates for the separation of concerns and enhances maintainability in managing UI state. State Holders typically encapsulate state data, business logic related to the state, and methods to update the state. Consequently, this approach leads to cleaner and more organized code. For instance, exposing a MutableStateFlow<UiState> as a StateFlow<UiState> in the ViewModel is a common and efficient method for creating a stream of UiState for the UI to observe. In the following code snippet, the NewsViewModel class adheres to this pattern for managing UI state and handling data fetching in a ViewModel:

The UI layer only receives an immutable StateFlow<UiState>. This ensures the UI cannot accidentally modify the underlying state directly.

Initially, Jetpack Compose offers various approaches and techniques to manage state effectively within your composable functions.

Keep it clean, keep it Compose! State management best practices lead to maintainable and performant UIs.


This article has delved into key concepts and methodologies for constructing modern Android app architectures, drawing insights from Google documents and resources. By adhering to these foundational principles and keeping abreast of the latest innovations, you can establish a robust framework for developing a successful and scalable Android application. Nevertheless, it’s important to recognize that modern Android app architecture best practices aren’t universally applicable. The most suitable approach varies based on the intricacy and unique requirements of your application.