Online reviews are a necessity for businesses operating in competitive markets. Customers do not want their money to go down the drain due to experimentation and thus refer to online reviews for decision-making. A large number of stellar reviews on the app help create social proof for a brand, i.e. it creates a desire in the users to belong to a particular sect. Since shoppers trust reviews, they can boost conversions.
Everyone trusts a business with glorious ratings. Reviews and ratings also present an honest overview of the products and services you offer to your customers. Especially in the world of eCommerce, customer reviews or testimonials are an imperative asset that works in favor of sales performance.
Since eCommerce restricts physical inspection of products before the purchase is made, eCommerce businesses need to make their customers believe that their product is purchase-worthy. App reviews also affect the app store rankings of eCommerce apps. Professional mobile app developers improve their app SEO with reviews.
5 Tips To Generate Reviews For Your Ecommerce Business through Your App
Make Reviewing Simple for App Users
The best way to get reviews on an app is to ask for them straight up. When an app developer makes the review process simpler, users are motivated to share their piece of mind, read other people’s feedback, and sometimes correlate their own experiences.
When users are comfortable reviewing your app, they most likely do it. Further, users should be able to leave reviews on the app, the app store, and even the app’s google home page for convenience. You can also attach a link to the review page in your email marketing campaigns to direct your customers directly to the review page.
Acknowledge and Appreciate the Reviews You Get
Customers take out time from their precious schedules to review your product, the least you can do is to thank them for it, regardless of their review. Even simple acknowledgment and appreciation can uplift your sales when done in the right way. These actions also go a long way in turning a regular customer into a loyal one.
Besides thanking reviews for their reviews, app owners must encourage users to shop back from the eCommerce store. Even in case of negative reviews, you can express your apologies and show how much you care about your customer’s experience with your app instead of giving them shallow excuses for the below-par experience.
Incentivize with Affiliate Marketing
Affiliates are users who earn a small commission when they market a particular product and service. The affiliate users review the app in various places and include a download link within their reviews. Then, whenever another user downloads the app using their recommendation, they earn a little something. Affiliate marketing can add to brand reputation and increase brand awareness manifold. While affiliate marketing is pricey, it comes with visible and measurable results.
Use Other Incentives
Whether it is coupons, direct discounts, or even simpler rewards along with purchases, all of these can encourage users to review the app. Along with garnering reviews, they also hit home with repeat sales. Having a loyalty program helps keep track of and distribute incentives.
Follow Up with App Users
Follow-up triggers during or towards the end of the app user experience get a very good response rate on the app’s review request. Flash messages asking for an app rating can be included in the app UI and can do the needful. If a user agrees to rate the app, you can also request some time from them to write down an app review. Sometimes app developers, also show dummy reviews to encourage users in writing one down.
Get a Review Moderation System
A review moderation system helps businesses filter out unqualified reviews, not useful, or that just don’t make sense for their product. There are many product review tools available for app makers that help with review management. These tools use various methods to ask for reviews from app users, like emails asking them to review the app, bringing together reviews from platforms like Fb, Twitter, and other social media handles, creating broadcast links to help you ask for reviews in bulk.
The tools also collectively show all the reviews and leave it to app owners to decide how and when to use these reviews.
In the End
All in all, if you have a good product or great service, good reviews would outrun the bad ones in the long run. These reviews serve as the most trusted tool for new customers who want to try your eCommerce app out. Multiple positive reviews streamline the customer research process, mold shopping decisions, purchase behavior, and even the brand perception in the long run.
Business strategies must be created to win more positive reviews in the end. It is probably the best way to get more traction for eCommerce apps.
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