Over the last few weeks, we have experienced something that was never even imagined before. A virus that got transmitted from animals to humans, was so infectious that it started spreading viciously all over the world even before we knew what was happening. And the result? Well, empty streets, ghost cities, shuttered factories, and a crippled transport system. Starting from Wuhan in China, it spread rapidly across the world and countries like Italy, Spain, Australia, UK & the US were heavily affected by this pandemic.
However, the biggest question that is bothering all of us is the uncertainty about the future. Can we hold on to our jobs? Will our businesses survive? Will the economy recover? All these questions have no answers currently, but it is good to be hopeful rather than hopeless. There is one positive outcome of all this. Working remotely will become a new normal for all of us rather than an exception.
The best part of hiring a remote software developer is that if things go wrong in one part of the world, we should be prepared to ship our work overseas and ensure that it goes on uninterrupted. Though not suitable for all businesses, this scenario is particularly well-suited for the IT companies and digital agencies. Though the concept of work-from-home is quite well entrenched in several societies, never before has it been so highly vaunted as it is now. While some businesses were already prepared for remote working, others were not. And now is the time to prepare for it in a comprehensive way, because if we don’t improvise today, then we may never get a chance in the future.
When it comes to hiring a remote developer, there are a lot of options available wherein you can get almost any talent that your business needs. For instance, if we require a PHP software developer, we can get people who have more than 6 years of experience in working on international projects. When we look at their resumes, we can check the type of projects that they have worked on. Only then we would make the selection and pick the right choice for our business.
Besides, when we decide to hire a remote software developer, we don’t have to bother about maintaining large office infrastructure. The money that we save from office expenses can be used in adverse situations like the COVID-19. In times like these, every dollar counts. So the more we save on sunny days, the better off we would be when there are dark clouds. With a remote software developer, we also save on overhead costs like recruitment, HR, payroll and medical insurance. If you look at it, these costs can add up to several thousands of dollars each month. And we could do better investing that money elsewhere.
Another aspect of hiring a remote software developer is that we can maintain strict control on our project costs and timelines. With in-house staff, there is much lesser leverage in terms of getting more output when needed. Whereas, with remote developers, you can scale up or down within a matter of days and meet your project timelines without much fuss. Also, since remote software developers are hired on an hourly basis, you would know exactly how much output is being generated each day. That luxury isn’t available with full-time staff.
Overall, businesses are now increasingly opting to hire remote software developers to offset their staff costs as well as prepare for exigencies like the COVID-19. In the absence of such business continuity plans, companies would be hard-pressed to survive a crisis. Nevertheless, it is not too late to put a plan in place right now!
At Optimal Virtual Employee, that is exactly what we have been working on for the last 8 years! We have been providing remote software developers to IT companies and digital agencies ever since and have achieved considerable success in meeting their expectations. Today, many large IT companies have availed our services and continue to ramp up their operations with us.
As far as our outlook is concerned, we are confident that the COVID-19 pandemic will make remote work even more important than ever before. On that note, I wish you good health and a bright future. Goodbye and stay safe!